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Belgian Psych Professor Explains How Media Hypnotized Public With Fear-Based, Exaggerated Pandemic Narrative


The Truth is COVID-19 is no more deadly than seasonal flu, but a hypnotized public has been conditioned not to accept that fact as they remain content with experimental gene therapy COVID ‘vaccines’ killing thousands of people


By:  David Deschesne

Fort Fairfield Journal, October 20, 201


   Belgian psychology professor, Dr. Mattias Desmet estimates that thirty percent of the world’s population has been literally hypnotized by the left wing news media’s fake COVID narrative while an estimated forty percent go along with them, but are not necessarily hypnotized, and a final thirty percent see through the media’s false COVID pandemic illusion and try valiantly to warn the others about the NAZI-style totalitarian government control grid being covertly constructed around them under the banner of ‘fighting the virus.’     

   Dr. Desmet explained in an interview with Dan Astin-Gregory how a concerted and planned left-wing news media narrative was scientifically crafted to actually hypnotize a large sector of the population in what is called a Mass Formation Event.1

   This would explain why so many people blindly give up their freedoms and participate in frivolous, irrational activities such as wearing of face masks in public (which have been proven to do nothing to stop the spread of respiratory viruses2); complying with social distancing mandates (which former FDA commissioner, Scott Gottlieb said were completely arbitrary and made up out of nothing with no science behind them3); submitting to lockdowns of society (which a Rand Corp. study showed killed more people than the virus4); and accepting—and in some cases forcing others to accept—a batch of experimental gene therapy drugs as “vaccines” (which have already killed more than 16,000 people and caused tens of thousands of serious life-threatening side effects in the U.S. alone).

   Even when shown scientific data which proves COVID-19 is no more deadly than seasonal flu—which we all live through without the ridiculous social control measures being imposed by governments today—the hypnotized masses refuse to see or accept those facts as they bully and cajole their neighbors, family members and employees into participating in an ongoing medical experiment with brand new gene therapy drugs that have never been used before and have not been studied for long term side effects; while remaining oblivious to data from the FDA and CDC’s vaccine database which shows those drugs have already killed more than 16,000 people in the U.S. this year.5

   Dr. Desmet is Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University, Belgium.  He explains Mass Formation emerges in a society if at least four conditions are met.  Those conditions are:


First Condition

People experiencing a lack of social bond/social connectedness. 


Second Condition

People experiencing a lack of meaning making/sense making.


Third Condition

A lot of people who experience a lot of free-floating anxiety and psychological discontent.  


Fourth Condition

A lot of free-floating frustration and aggression. 


   “[The first] two are associated with each other.  Humans are social beings.  If they experience a lack of social connectedness, a lack of social bond, they will also probably experience a lack of meaning-making,” said Dr. Desmet.   “[The third condition, free-floating anxiety] means a lot of anxiety that is not connected to a mental representation.  For instance, if you see a lion and you are scared, you know what you're scared of.  Your anxiety in that case is connected to a mental representation.  But if it is not connected to a mental representation, you end up in an extremely aversive, negative emotional state in which you deal with the kind of anxiety that you cannot control.  [The fourth is] a kind of aggression that you feel inside of yourself that you cannot aim or direct at a certain object or cause.”

   “When, under these conditions, a narrative is distributed through the mass media indicating an object of anxiety, and at the same time providing a strategy to deal with this object of anxiety, then there might be a huge willingness in the population to go along, to participate in the strategy.  Why?  Because all this free-floating anxiety, which is so hard to control, connects to this object of anxiety and then just by participating in the strategy you can mentally control the object of anxiety.”

   He further elaborates, “For instance, if a narrative is distributed which says there is a very dangerous virus and that we should go into lockdown, if these four conditions are met then there might be an extremely extraordinary willingness to participate in the strategy and lockdowns even when the narrative itself is absolutely absurd.”   Dr. Desmet says when people start to participate, all together, in the strategy to deal with the object of anxiety a new kind of social bond and a new kind of meaning making emerges.  “There is like a new kind of solidarity that emerges and this makes the people switch from a highly aversive, negative mental state of social isolation, interpersonal isolation, to the exact opposite to the extremely high level of connectedness that exists in a crowd or a mass.  Then people start a heroic battle with the object of anxiety which leads to a kind of mental intoxication of connectedness which is the real reason why people continue to buy into the narrative even if it is utterly absurd or blatantly wrong.”

   He describes it as a ritual, almost religious in nature.  “It's a kind of a ritual.  It has exactly the same function as a ritual.  A ritual is a kind of behavior that people participate in to show that they belong to a group, to create a group, to create a collective, to create solidarity.  What you can say about rituals, the more absurd they are from a practical perspective, the better they function as a ritual.  Because the more absurd they are the more purely they become a sign that shows that they belong to a group  

   The interviewer, Mr. Astin-Gregory then pointed out that with free-floating anxiety, “we're living very busy, stressful lives.  If you look at any statistic about job satisfaction it shows that most people either dislike or hate their jobs and the people are leading busier, busier lifestyles they have health challenges.  We live in this very fast-paced consumerist world.  Life just comes with background tension.  So, undoubtedly this condition was existing at a high level [before the pandemic narrative was rolled out].  This situation essentially gives people the opportunity to attach, it becomes an object of attachment so they can transfix their own anxiety onto this external object which therefore takes away the need to do the inner work to actually tackle their own anxieties which probably they haven't really got a handle on.”

   Dr. Desmet agreed and pointed out because the real origin or cause of their anxiety was not this virus. “They were already anxious, they were already having a lot of psychological discontent but then there was this virus narrative to connect it to a representation in a symptomatic way for a certain period of time, this corona narrative allows them to deal in a less painful way with their anxieties.  It's a symptomatic solution, which all symptomatic solutions in the end become highly destructive.  The real solution would be to start to think all together how we ended up in this terrible state of social isolation, of lack of meaning making, of free-floating anxiety and of all this frustration and aggression.  That's the real question we should ask ourselves.  From what in our view of men in the world, what in our society made that we ended up in these problematic psychological conditions.

   Astin-Gregory then pointed out, “I think a moment will come when people will suddenly realize all the sacrifices they made were made needlessly in many ways and at great loss personally and collectively.  What I don't understand about the collectivist mindset is you can't save the entire forest by protecting one tree.  We're happy to become collectivists around COVID cases but simultaneously allow the economy, education, the healthcare system to basically flat line.  I say what is collectivist about that?  Allowing society to collapse.  It doesn't feel like a very collective methodology to me.  That's rational thought, but they're not operating rationally.”

   “That's completely irrational and I think that's a consequence of this narrowing of the field of attention,” said Dr. Desmet.  “People seem to be aware of only one small part of reality and as a consequence, all of the decisions are made as if only that part of reality counts so that all decisions and all measures are really disproportionate.  One of the most important effects of mass formation is that it leads to a very narrow field of attention, meaning that people seem to be only able to be aware, both cognitively and emotionally, of a very small part of reality on which the mass narrative focuses their attention on.  That's something extremely problematic.  For instance you see this in the fact that people in one way or another only seem to be sensitive emotionally for victims of the coronavirus.  All the other victims: children who starve, people who lost their jobs, treatments that were delayed; there was huge collateral damage but one way or another it never had the same [psychological] effect as the damage caused by the coronavirus. So it's extremely problematic, the field of attention is so limited that it seems almost impossible to provide arguments that are in conflict with the narrative because all the arguments that you can raise, rationally against the narrative they do not fall into this small field of attention that is really counting for people in the mass.”

     In much the same way as a person can be hypnotized to block out physical pain, societies can be hypnotized to block out psychological pain.   “So, one of the most important effects is that people, just like in hypnosis, focus on a small part of reality and people are even not aware of the things that are usually extremely important for them in a normal state.  Like their psychological and physical health, their wealth, their well-being and so on.  In a condition of hypnosis - or mass formation - you can take all these things away from people and they won't even notice it.  It will seem as if they don't notice that they lose a lot of things that are personally important to them.”

   A rally cry for some people opposed to the fake coronavirus pandemic narrative is a return to the “old normal.”  But, Dr. Desmet says that will be a hard sell to a population who is placating all of their free-floating anxiety, frustration and anger by placing it on the coronavirus narrative and combating it with the totalitarian edicts of the “new normal.”

   “One of the hidden secrets of this crisis is that most people don't want to go back to the old normal.  So, if we try to wake people up we should avoid giving them the impression that we want them to go back to the old normal because they don't want to go back to the b.s. jobs, they don't want to go back to this terrible state of anxiety.  We should try to show them that there are other ways to change this old normal.  That's the most important thing.”

   Social media censorship by big tech and the social ostricization that comes with all large groups for dissonant voices opposed to the establishment narrative has made those who have been hypnotized very intolerant of anyone who opposes their new-found ideas implanted into their minds by the left wing media.   “One characteristic of Mass Formation is that it makes people extremely intolerant for dissonant voices, for other voices and we can easily understand that if we know that these other voices, these different voices threaten to wake people up and to confront them again with these problematic conditions before the Mass Formation existed.  Meaning that, if someone tried to convince someone that the corona narrative is wrong or the mass narrative is wrong, then the person feels that he is at risk of waking up and that case he will be confronted again with the initial free-floating anxiety and the lack of social bonds.  That's one of the reasons why people are highly intolerant of dissonant voices.  Second one is of course that actually it's far more easy for someone who is hypnotized or engrossed in the process of Mass Formation to, instead of believing the one who tries to convince them that the story is wrong, it's far more easy to direct this free-floating frustration and aggression that existed before the crisis to[ward] this dissonant voice.”

   Societies hypnotized under a Mass Formation adhere to their new-found beliefs with something of a religious fervor.  The narrative around COVID-19 has even turned into a sort of religious belief - Covidanity - with all of the trappings and iconography of an organized religion.  “Masses tend to commit atrocities as if they are performing a holy duty.  That's very typical.  What they actually feel is that by trying to destroy the dissonant voices, they actually protect the collective - and that's true to a certain extant - they don't realize it but that's why it appears to them something like a holy duty, a sacred duty, to be cruel to dissonant voices and at the same time they protect the collective.”

   Dr. Desmet warns that Mass Formation can lead to the creation of a totalitarian state which nobody really wants to live in, but those who are hypnotized wouldn't know it when it happened.  He says all totalitarian states must have an enemy - real or perceived - in order to continue to exist.   “The masses can only exist if they have an enemy - if they have an object of anxiety.  The masses in a totalitarian system always have to invent new enemies, new objects of anxiety because if there would be no object of anxiety, the masses would not have a reason to exist. 

   Dr. Desmet explained how in a Mass Formation, only around 30 percent of the people are actually hypnotized while another 40 percent go along with the crowd, though they are not hypnotized and a final 30 percent are not hypnotized and are not going along with the crowd.  He says these dissonant voices in the final 30 percent are the most important voices to prevent a totalitarian state from developing out of a Mass Formation event.  “That group is extremely heterogeneous.  It's from all political backgrounds, all socio-economic statuses, all ethnic groups.  It's very hard to define what that group is.  If this group would really unify, as soon as this group is really one group, as soon as this group really finds a way to really identify with each other the crises is over and the Mass Formation stops.”

   “We have to continue to share rational counter argumentations because they make the hypnosis less deep - I am convinced of that.  We should not stop it but if we do only that it might be frustrating and so while the hypnosis becomes less deep, you're never really able to wake people up with these rational argumentations.  That's something really logical if you consider the process of Mass Formation.  Actually, the beginning point of Mass Formation is an affective process, it's something at the emotional level, meaning the connection of the free-floating anxiety to the representation of an object of anxiety such as the virus.  So, these two things, the free-floating of anxiety and the mental representation of a virus they melded together.  They're connected because they were pushed against each other at the high level of heat in a psychological system at the high level of anxiety. 

   Astin-Gregory observed out how there is a great amount of division around the purported COVID 'vaccines.'  “We're seeing it with those who are not taking the vaccine.  The steps of classification, symbolization, dehumanization, discrimination.  All of these things are happening.  It's the great 'them and us' situation whereby you're the great unwashed, you're the ones creating the infections.  It's completely false but it's creating that internal enemy and growing that.”

   Dr. Desmet points out that  “Totalitarianism doesn't care whether their claims are true or not.  The only thing that the narrative has to do is it has to connect the people, it has to make the collective stronger, it has to reorganize to fight the anxiety and so on.  The more absurd the narrative is, the better it functions as a ritual.

  Dr. Desmet says all hope is not lost and there is a way out of the hypnotic madness because all totalitarian systems ultimately end up destroying themselves.  He suggests a strategy for defeating this false coronavirus narrative is for the opposition to stay on message and be persistent.  “We have to make our own narrative as strong as possible, as convincing as possible but what we should realize in the first place is that totalitarianism and Mass formation always ends up destroying itself.  So, if we think about the best strategy to deal with this situation we should be aware that we are dealing with an extremely strong enemy but an enemy who will always destroy himself.  The only thing we have to do is make sure that our story continues to be present in public space and that we survive for a few years.  Those are realistic goals and we never should try to beat the enemy because the enemy can only be beaten by himself.  The only thing that you have to do is to continue to speak and to make sure that in one way or another you can survive outside of the system.  And then, you can quietly wait until totalitarianism destroys itself.





3. (at 19:44 into the video)

