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Aroostook County’s Recent “COVID Surge” Based on Excessively Sensitive PCR Tests


Most People Who are Testing “Positive” Aren’t Even Sick


By:  David Deschesne

Fort Fairfield Journal, September 22, 2021


   The recent “surge” in alleged COVID-19 positive cases in Aroostook County has once again allowed the left wing news media to artificially elevate the fear and hysteria within the population by providing no context to the data.

   The “positive cases” data sets are still being accumulated via the use of the highly inaccurate and excessively sensitive PCR tests that are still operating under Emergency Use Authorization.  The US FDA recently admitted those tests have been designed to detect a theoretical computer modeled virus—not an actual SARS-CoV-2 virus—so nobody really knows if a “positive” case really is for SARS-CoV-2 and not some other contaminant that also shares the same DNA string as the theoretical computer-modeled virus.

   Additionally, the tests are designed to be excessively sensitive so they can be made to detect even the tiniest, ineffective an non-infectious fragment of a virus, bacteria or microorganism that fits a the loosely defined parameters of the hastily built PCR tests.  This is comparable to police using breathalyzer test kits that only give a “positive” or “negative” result without also giving a blood/alcohol content.  If  breathalyzer tests were used the same way as the COVID-19 PCR tests are being used, they would key a person as “positive” for alcohol even if the last drink they had was a month ago.

   While some people are sick, most who receive a positive PCR test result are not sick at all.  Rather than admit the tests are too sensitive and key on non-infectious fragments of a theoretical virus model, public health officials and the media call them “asymptomatic” and treat every positive case as if the person was on death’s doorstep.  That they are still doing that level of sloppy journalism indicates they don’t believe people are accepting their skewed messaging any longer.

   However, a healthcare worker at a local hospital recently advised the Fort Fairfield Journal that many of those hospitalized at the facility where she works who are designated as COVID patients, are actually hospitalized for something else unrelated to a respiratory illness, are exhibiting no symptoms of respiratory illness but merely have tested “positive” with these quirky, unreliable and excessively sensitive PCR tests.  While they may be in the hospital for a broken leg, cracked ribs, heart attack, or cancer, as long as they key a PCR test “positive” they are lumped in to the COVID patient designation automatically, which is unjustly and inaccurately elevating those numbers.

   The left wing news media is then ready to jump on those numbers and report them as if they were all patients suffering from COVID and near death, when the survival rate is greater than 99 percent for most people in moderate to good health, even with the new “Delta” strain which is no more fatal than the original.

   It has been suggested that the recent hype over “positive” cases is a covert marketing push to get teens and young children involved in the experimental gene therapy ‘vaccines’

   For example, senior doctors in New Hanover County, North Carolina were caught on video scheming how to “inflate the real COVID numbers” so they can more easily scare the public into taking the COVID injection.

   A Zoom video conference call recording between physicians and a marketing director at Novant Heath New Hanover Regional Medical Center revealed an internal discussion to manipulate the COVID case and death data to induce a public panic.

   Dr. Mary Rudyk is seen telling Director of Marketing Carolyn Fisher that she wants hospitals to become more “scary to the public” by inflating the number of COVID patients so they can falsely tell individuals, “If you don’t get vaccinated, you know you’re going to die.” 

   (Ref.  this writer has downloaded the video in case YouTube deletes it)

  What’s not said is there are safe and effective treatments for COVID that do not involve experimental gene therapy ‘vaccines’ and if a person gets a moderate amount of daily exercise, drinks plenty of clean water, takes Vitamin C and Zinc supplements, and gets plenty of sleep at night, they will get through COVID just fine—if they even have symptoms to begin with.

   In a recent study from researchers at Stanford University it was found that the risk of a person between the ages of 20—29 dying from COVID-19 was similar to the risk of dying from sunstroke.  In the 30—39 yrs bracket, those people have the same chance of dying of COVID as they would from choking on food.  The 60—69 age group has the same chance of dying of COVID as dying in a car crash.

   A cursory look at FDA data from their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System shows the alleged ‘vaccines’ appear to have been designed to cause early death in older people or sterility in women of child-bearing age, perhaps as part of a population reduction and control program.

   To keep things in perspective it’s recommended to not put much faith in the objectivity of any of the left wing newspapers, radio or television sources since many of them are now being paid by the pharmaceutical companies to deliver narratives disguised as news stories in order to sell their products.