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Immunizations Not Mandatory for Public School Enrollment

Maine Department of Education Makes Waiver Forms Available

Parents May opt their children out of potentially dangerous and debilitating vaccines

By: David Deschesne

Fort Fairfield Journal, April 18, 2012

The Maine Department of Education has immunization waiver forms available from their website that allows parents or guardians to opt their children out of the vaccination requirements to enroll in public school.

School officials cite Maine State law found at the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, Section 6359, paragraph 3 as the state’s mandate that children enrolling in public school show proof of immunization. They rely on the opening paragraph of that statute, which states: “No chief administrative officer may permit any student to be enrolled in or to attend school without a certificate of immunization for each disease or other acceptable evidence of required immunization or immunity against the disease...”

However, school officials stop citing the statute after the word “disease” in the above law citation, which continues with “...except as follows.” The law then goes on in paragraph A to allow for a physician’s written statement stating immunization of that student would be medically unadvisable; and paragraph B which allows parents to opt out of the vaccine program with a simple waiver for either religious or philosophical reasons.

A “religious reason” is obvious to most people as one where vaccinations are against a person’s religious beliefs. However, Maine law also allows for a “philosophical reason” which is all-encompassing and simply means the parent or guardian simply does not want their children to receive vaccines for reasons not specifically religious in nature.

Vaccines today are being manufactured in large part by people with a eugenics ideology. That is, they believe the world is overpopulated and those populations must be reduced by “culling” the population. They have found vaccines to be an effective tool toward those ends, using technology pioneered in Germany in the 1930s.

In the late 1950s the popular polio vaccine was tainted with the cancer-causing Simian Virus 40 (SV40). SV40 not only increases the likelihood of cancer developing in the person who received the tainted vaccine, but it merges with the recipient’s DNA and is passed on to their children and grand children. Today, people are developing cancer from the SV40 whose parents or grandparents received the vaccine but they themselves have not.

Chemical adjuvants being added to vaccines such as mercury and squalene have been linked to massive increases in autism and other disorders.

Vaccines are also being engineered with additives to induce infertility in the population, causing lower sperm counts in men and an increased likelihood of ovarian and cervical cancer in woman as they develop into their child-bearing years.

Many parents are now considering whether or not they should even take the chance with vaccines to begin with. Newborn babies do not need the plethora of vaccines now injected all at once as a chemical cocktail at birth in order to activate their immune system; rather, drinking their mother’s breast milk has been found to be very effective at inducing the activity of their immune system. Breast milk is also a much better alternative to the chemical mash of soybean products in artificial infant formulas now being marketed today. Soy has been found to adversely affect the endocrine system, specifically the thyroid. Large amounts of soy also mimic the effects of estrogen, causing boys to become docile and effeminate while also causing thyroid problems in both boys and girls.

There is currently no method in place to guarantee the safety of every single individual vaccine, or its potential long term side-effects in every single individual human. Since the school system and the State would be liable for any damage caused by vaccines mandated by law, they have devised a waiver option as found in MRS 20-A Sec. 6359 3(B). The waiver allows the State to “indemnify” itself against lawsuits because they have allowed parents by law the opportunity to access a waiver, opt their children out of the vaccine requirements and still allow them to attend public school. Even though the waiver is available, it is generally not well-publicized by schools in their enrollment advertisements, or presented to parents as an option when enrolling their children in public school.

The current Maine Statutes do not allow schools to bully or mandate parents have their children immunized before allowing their children to be enrolled. However, they do continue to use legalese to mislead them into thinking immunizations are required.

Those who choose to not have their children vaccinated, may acquire the immunization waiver form from their local school, or the Maine Department of education, fill it out and present it to their school officials upon enrollment of their child in any public school in Maine.



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